Arts and Publics – States and Markets
(Berlin, 16-18/11/17)
Organisiert vom Forum Kunst und Markt/Centre for Art Market Studies an der TU Berlin in Kooperation mit dem Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin und seinem Forschungs- programm Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices
DONNERSTAG, 16/11/2017
Ort: TU Berlin, Senatssitzungssaal H 1035/1036, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
18:00 Anmeldung
18:15 Begrüßung und Einführung:
Bénédicte Savoy (Berlin / Paris)
Dorothee Wimmer (Berlin)
Julia Voss (Göttingen / Lüneburg)
PODIUMSDISKUSSION: State/Public/Private Museums: Challenges and Dynamics in a Global Art World
18:30 Auf dem Podium:
Hannah Baader (Florenz / Berlin)
Axel Haubrok (Berlin)
Christiane Lange (Stuttgart)
Sonja Mejcher-Atassi (Beirut / Berlin)
Moderation: Julia Voss (Göttingen / Lüneburg)
19:30 Empfang
FREITAG, 17/11/2017
Ort: TU Berlin, Senatssitzungssaal H 1035/1036, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
10:00 Anmeldung
10:30 Begrüßung und Einführung:
Dorothee Wimmer (Berlin)
Julia Voss (Göttingen / Lüneburg)
SECTION 1: Old Fashion – new Branding? The “Privatization” of Art Museums in Europe
Moderation: Dorothee Wimmer (Berlin)
10:45 Anja Grebe (Krems)
The Politics of Public-Private Partnerships: Museum Case Studies from Germany and Austria
11:15 Ronit Milano (Be’er Scheva)
The Power of the Brand: The Economic Instrumentality of Private Museums in France and Ukraine
11:45 Kaffeepause
12:00 Waltraud M. Bayer (Wien)
Private Art Museums in post-Soviet Russia
12:30 Kathryn Brown (Loughborough)
The Privatization of Public Museum Culture and the Future of Art History
13:00 Mittagspause
SECTION 2: Public-Private Partnerships? Global / Local Museum Centres
Moderation: Georges Khalil (Berlin)
15:00 Oscar Salemink (Copenhagen)
City of Art: State, Market, Museums and the Urban Reinvention of Shanghai
15:30 Deepti Mulgund (New Dehli)
To the Nation, to the World? Two Moments of Museum-Making in India
16:00 Maurício Barros de Castro (Rio de Janeiro)
The Global/Local Power of the Inhotim Institute: contemporary art, and private museums in Brazil
16:30 Kaffepause
18:00 Wendy Shaw (Berlin)
Privatizing the Republic: Museums, Markets, and Global Ambitions in Contemporary Turkey
SAMSTAG, 18/11/2017
Ort: Forum Transregionale Studien, Seminarraum, Wallotstraße 14, 14193 Berlin
10:00 Begrüßung:
Hannah Baader (Florenz / Berlin)
Georges Khalil (Berlin)
SECTION 3: Politics and Cultural Properties: Private Museums in Context
Moderation: Hannah Baader (Florenz / Berlin)
10:15 Reema Salha Fadda (Oxford)
Towards a Transnational Museum? Negotiating the Political Economy of Cultural Production in Palestine
10:45 Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz (Frankfurt am Main) / Filemon Hulu (Gunungsitoli)
Manifestations of Cultural Property: Private Community Museums in Indonesia
11:15 Kaffeepause
11:30 Peggy Levitt (Boston)
The Imagined Globe: Remapping the World Through Public Diplomacy at the Asia Society
12:00 Matthew Elliott Gillman (New York)
Custodians, Collections, Communities: The Aga Khan Museum in Toronto
12:30 Stephennie Mulder (Austin / Berlin)
Some Remarks on Private and Public Art Crime and Trade in Times of War
13:00 Ende des Symposiums
Weitere Informationen:
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